Circle 9 welcomes Puerto Rican saxophone virtuoso Ivan Renta
Ivan Renta
Ivan has an extensive list of credentials having performed in the NYC area for more than 20 years. He has performed on more than 200 recordings with artists such as Tito Puente, Wynton Marsalis, Eddie Palmieri, Willie Colon, Ron Carter, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Jimmy Heath, Ray Barretto and the the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra to name a few.
Ivan Renta also had the distinct privilege of performing on Tito Puente’s final album, a joint effort with 10 Grammy Winner Eddie Palmieri, “Masterpiece”, that would go on to win multiple Grammy® Awards.
Ivan will record a long-awaited new solo project for Circle 9 Records this year.
As always, we invite you to help sustainably support our #circle9artists, like Ivan, by joining us as an official Silver, Gold, or Circle 9 Vinyl Club subscriber via Bandcamp. Details are right over here.
“The new Carribean phenom!”
– Eddie Palmieri